<?php /** * Tests for the Metatag module and taxonomy term entities. */ class MetatagCoreTermTest extends MetatagTestHelper { /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => 'Metatag core tests for terms', 'description' => 'Test Metatag edit functionality for terms.', 'group' => 'Metatag', 'dependencies' => array('ctools', 'token'), ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ function setUp(array $modules = array()) { // Need the Path module to set a alias which can then be loaded. $modules[] = 'path'; parent::setUp($modules); } /** * Tests creation of a standard entity. */ public function testEntityCreationWorkflow() { $content_type = 'metatag_test'; $content_type_path = str_replace('_', '-', $content_type); $content_type_label = 'Test'; $vocab_name = 'test_vocab'; $term_name = 'Who likes magic'; $term_path = 'term-test'; // Create a content type. $this->createContentType($content_type, $content_type_label); // Create a vocabulary. $vocabulary = $this->createVocabulary($vocab_name, $content_type); // Create an admin user and log them in. $perms = array( // Needed for the content type. 'create ' . $content_type . ' content', 'delete any ' . $content_type . ' content', 'edit any ' . $content_type . ' content', // Needed for the vocabulary. 'administer taxonomy', 'edit terms in ' . $vocabulary->vid, 'delete terms in ' . $vocabulary->vid, // Needed for the Path module. 'create url aliases', ); $this->adminUser = $this->createAdminUser($perms); // Log in the admin user. $this->drupalLogin($this->adminUser); // Assign default values for the new vocabulary. // Load the "add default configuration" page. $this->drupalGet('admin/config/search/metatags/config/add'); $this->assertResponse(200); // Verify the page loaded correct. $this->assertText(t('Select the type of default meta tags you would like to add.')); // Submit the initial form to select an entity bundle. $this->drupalPost(NULL, array( 'instance' => 'taxonomy_term:' . $vocabulary->name, ), t('Add and configure')); $this->assertResponse(200); // @todo Update this to extract the H1 tag. $this->assertText(strip_tags('Taxonomy term: ' . $vocabulary->name)); // Submit the form with some values. $this->drupalPost(NULL, array( 'metatags[und][abstract][value]' => '[term:name]', ), t('Save')); $this->assertResponse(200); // Verify the page loaded correct. $this->assertText(strip_tags(t('The meta tag defaults for @label have been saved.', array('@label' => 'Taxonomy term: ' . $vocabulary->name)))); // Verify that the user was redirected to the settings page again. $this->assertEqual($this->getUrl(), url('admin/config/search/metatags', array('absolute' => TRUE))); // Create a test term. // Load the term form. $this->drupalGet('admin/structure/taxonomy/' . $vocabulary->machine_name . '/add'); $this->assertResponse(200); // Verify the page loaded correctly. // @todo Update this to extract the H1 tag. // $this->assertText(strip_tags(t('Create @name', array('@name' => $vocabulary->name)))); // Verify that it's possible to submit values to the form. $this->drupalPost(NULL, array( 'metatags[und][abstract][value]' => '[term:name] ponies', 'name' => $term_name, 'path[alias]' => $term_path, ), t('Save')); $this->assertResponse(200); // Verify that the node saved correctly. $t_args = array('%name' => $term_name); // This doesn't work for some reason, it seems the HTML is stripped off // during output so the %name's standard Drupal wrappers don't match. // $this->assertText(t('Created new term %name.', $t_args)); // .. so this has to be done instead. $this->assertText(strip_tags(t('Created new term %name.', $t_args))); // Verify the term data saved correctly. $this->drupalGet($term_path); $this->assertResponse(200); // Try to extract the 'edit' link. $xpaths = $this->xpath("//ul/li/a"); $matches = array(); $tid = 0; if (!empty($xpaths)) { foreach ($xpaths as $xpath) { $attributes = $xpath->attributes(); if (!empty($attributes['href'])) { if (preg_match('@taxonomy/term/(\d+)/edit$@', $attributes['href'], $matches)) { $tid = $matches[1]; } } } } // Presuing a term ID was found, load the term. if (!empty($tid)) { $term = taxonomy_term_load($tid); // Only the non-default values are stored. $expected = array( 'und' => array( 'abstract' => array( 'value' => '[term:name] ponies', ), ), ); $this->assertEqual($expected, $term->metatags); } // This shouldn't happen, it indicates a problem. else { $this->fail(t('Could not determine the ID for created term.')); } // Verify the title is using the custom default for this vocabulary. $xpath = $this->xpath("//meta[@name='abstract']"); $this->assertEqual(count($xpath), 1, 'Exactly one abstract meta tag found.'); $this->assertEqual($xpath[0]['content'], "Who likes magic ponies"); } }